Mood Disorder Testing in Arlington Heights, Illinois

Mood disorders are not at all uncommon, but they can have a severe impact on your everyday life. People suffering from a mood disorder often find it difficult to perform daily tasks such as getting to work on time, meeting deadlines, or interacting productively with others. Some days, you might feel fine, while others send you into an unexpected tailspin where you can’t get out of bed or have so much energy you can’t focus.

If you’ve experienced unmanageable moods, NeuroHealth Arlington Heights offers professional mood disorder testing in Arlington Heights, Illinois, to help you identify the source of your problem and begin a productive treatment plan that will help you improve your quality of life.

How Do You Know if You Have a Mood Disorder?

woman lying on bed

A mood disorder is a mental health condition that impacts your emotional state. While it’s normal to experience a range of moods, they shouldn’t be severely disruptive to your life. Mood disorders typically cause a persistent state of disruptive emotions. While some of these feelings are negative, such as sadness, irritability, or anger, you can also associate happiness with a mood disorder when it occurs in an extreme and manic state.

Each mood disorder is different, so you need to consider your symptoms against those of the specific condition you’re concerned about.

Depressive Disorders

There are many types of depressive disorders including major depression, premenstrual dysphoric disorder, seasonal affective disorder, and disruptive mood dysregulation disorder. You may have a depressive disorder if you suffer from:

  • Hopeless, empty or sad feelings
  • Difficulty sleeping or sleeping too much
  • Changes in appetite
  • Increased agitation and anxiety
  • Outbursts of anger or frustration, often over small issues
  • Difficulty concentrating or thinking clearly
  • Recurrent thoughts of death or suicide

Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder causes severe mood swings between manic happiness and deep despair. In moments of mania, symptoms include:

  • Grandiose thoughts
  • High energy levels
  • Euphoric feelings
  • Hypersexuality
  • Fast or excessive speech
  • Easily distracted

In depressive moments, the individual’s mood changes to the other extreme, and symptoms include:

  • Loss of interest in previously enjoyable activities
  • Reasonless feelings of guilt
  • Trouble sleeping or oversleeping
  • Loss of energy.
  • Persistent sad or irritable moods
  • Trouble concentrating

Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder

Disruptive mood dysregulation disorder (DMDD) is a mood disorder that affects children and adolescents, causing disruptive outbursts of anger and irritability. These tantrums must occur regularly for at least 12 consecutive months, with an average of three or more severe outbursts every week for a DMDD diagnosis. 

At What Age Do Mood Disorders Start?

Mood disorders typically start to show symptoms in childhood and adolescence, though the disorder may not be diagnosable then. About 15% of all children and adolescents experience some type of mood disorder. The average age at onset for major depression is in the mid-20s. The average age for the first onset of a manic bipolar episode is in the early 20’s. 

Misdiagnosis rates are high for mood disorders. Physicians misdiagnose major depressive disorder nearly 66% of the time and bipolar disorder in 92.7% of cases. In a given year, about 26% of Americans aged 18 and older have a diagnosable mental disorder. If you believe you’re suffering from a mood disorder, you’re certainly not alone. Seeking a diagnosis is the first step to finding an effective treatment plan to help you manage your condition and regain control of your life.

Can Mood Disorders Go Away?

Mood disorders don’t typically go away on their own. The nature of these disorders may cause symptoms to worsen and lessen during certain periods. Still, it’s essential to recognize that severe depression or bipolar disorder is likely a lifelong condition that will recur regularly if it’s not treated. Untreated mood disorders often get worse over time. 

This doesn’t mean that a mood disorder is a hopeless condition. There are many effective treatments for mood disorders that will help manage your symptoms and improve your quality of life. Some treatments that your healthcare provider may recommend include:

  • Antidepressant medication: There are several classes of antidepressants, including selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors, monoamine oxidase inhibitors, serotonin modulators, and more.
  • Mood stabilizers: Medications such as valproic acid and lithium are effective for certain bipolar patients.
  • Anticonvulsants: These medications alter the brain chemistry to reduce bipolar symptoms.
  • Atypical antipsychotics: Prescriptions like risperidone are typically used along with a mood stabilizer for bipolar symptoms.
  • Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT): CBT treatments help patients reframe their thoughts and adjust their thought processes to take a more productive approach to life and combat common symptoms of mood disorders.
  • Vagus nerve stimulation: This surgical treatment involves implanting a special device in the chest that stimulates the vagus nerve and alters brain activity.

What Will Testing Look Like?

Neuropsychological testing can help diagnose mood disorders such as depression and bipolar disorder. Each test is uniquely tailored to address your symptoms and medical history. You can expect tests that evaluate your language, problem-solving, memory, and attention span. These evaluations typically take three to five hours. Your testing will also include a 30- to 45-minute evaluation with a neuropsychologist. 

Neuropsychological testing is not invasive in any way. It may include puzzles, problem-solving activities, memory games, and conversation. You should eat, sleep, and take medication as usual on your test day. Avoid using alcohol or a lot of caffeine the day before and the day of your test to make the process easier.

Schedule Mood Disorder Testing Today

Mood disorder testing is an easy and painless process that can provide valuable information. Your test results may help diagnose a mood disorder, finally enabling you to get the answers and treatment you need. Misdiagnosis is high among primary care providers, but our experts at NeuroHealth Arlington Heights have the expertise you need to get to the bottom of any potential mood disorder and help you move forward. Contact us today to schedule an appointment and get started.

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