Screen time is a part of most people’s lives, for better or for worse. Resources like smartphones, tablets, and laptops help us connect to loved ones and gather information at ...

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The holiday season is typically associated with smiles, giving, and spending time with family. However, the holiday’s can be a stressful time for many people, and for various reasons. In ...

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It’s no secret that college students are under a lot of stress, especially during the first year. But sometimes stress that seems normal is actually a sign of deeper struggles. ...

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College is an exciting time, full of endless opportunities. Students can explore new majors, take on exciting internship opportunities, and perhaps even study abroad. They’ll make lasting friendships and even ...

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Has your teen or young one suffered a head injury? If they have, or if you want to be prepared just in case, you’ll want to know what to look ...

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In America, 6.4 million children between the ages of four and 17 have been diagnosed with ADHD. The diagnosis of attention deficit disorder in yourself or child can result in ...

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Most people hear about obsessive-compulsive disorder on a daily basis, often used in the wrong way. While many people associate OCD with a need for cleanliness or order, the truth ...

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If for more than two weeks you’ve felt sad and have lost interest or pleasure in your usual activities, you may be depressed. Symptoms of depression, on the other hand, ...

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Did you know that 40 million American adults over the age of 18 have an anxiety disorder? Despite 18.1 percent of people having anxiety, but only 1/3 seek treatment for it. ...

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Neuropsychological and psychological testing are different medical approaches used in diagnosing and providing suitable treatment for mental related ailments. To gain better clarity of the cognitive function, strength, and weakness, ...

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